Selamat kepada Pak Sutikno (Mahasiswa S3 Ilmu Komputer), Bu Afiahayati, Ph.D. dan Pak Agus Harjoko, Ph.D. yang telah mempublikasikan paper review tentang Deteksi pengendara sepeda motor tanpa helm. Paper dipublikasikan pada international journal ICIC Express Letters (Scopus Q3).
Detection On Head of Motorcyclist Without Helmet: A review
Abstract. Traffic accidents are the main cause of death in the world. Most of the victims are the motorcyclists without a helmet. Many researchers have developed a system that can detect motorcyclists who do not wear a helmet. This system consists of a motorcycle detection subsystem and detection subsystem on a head without helmet. There are papers that already discuss about review of detection on vehicle and motorcycle. However, review about detection on head without helmet has not been done yet. By that, this paper proposed a review about detection on head without helmet. This paper presents a review of the general steps on detection system of motorcyclist without helmet. In addition, many methods at each step (region of interest, feature extraction, and classification) have been presented and compared. At the end of the article, several conditions that cause errors and ways to increase accuracy are also explained.